leg slimming yoga

This summer, 16 yoga exercises will give you beautiful legs and buttocks

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Summer is the season to show some flesh, but in the workplace, people often sit still for a long time, causing their legs to become thicker and they dare not even wear short skirts and shorts.

leg slimming yoga

Today we recommend a set of leg slimming yoga exercises specifically for legs, which can not only make the legs thinner but also stimulate the buttocks, so that the buttocks become more plump and shaped, hurry to collect!

Leg slimming yoga exercises

Exercise 1:

leg slimming yoga exercises

  • Stand at the end of a mat with your feet together
  • Inhale with both hands up, exhale with folded down and support the ground with both hands
  • Stay relaxed, take 5 breaths

Exercise 2:

leg slimming yoga

  • Alternate bending your legs 10 times from side to side, relaxing and stretching the back of your legs

Exercise 3:

leg slimming yoga

  • Then slowly bow your back, get up, and return to a standing position

Exercise 4:

leg slimming yoga

  • Inhale with both hands facing up, exhale with folded hands, inhale with crawling forward, and bring both hands forward
  • Align your hands with your shoulders, tighten your core, and maintain 5 breaths

Exercise 5:

leg slimming yoga

  • Bend your knees and move forward to the middle of your hands
  • Bend your legs alternately 10 times

Exercise 6:

leg slimming yoga

  • Kneel down and perform a ‘baby style’ relaxation movement
  • Maintain 5 breaths

Exercise 7:

leg slimming yoga

  • From ‘baby style’ to ‘four corner bench style’, with hands on the ground and knees on the ground
  • When inhaling, straighten the left leg backward and upwards, and when exhaling, bend the knee and lower the head and arch the back
  • Repeat 10 times, then switch legs to practice

Exercise 8:

leg slimming yoga

  • Extend the left leg to the left, straighten the instep, and land the toe on the ground
  • Inhale while moving your left leg to the right and back, with your toes on the ground and your head looking towards your left foot
  • Repeat 10 times

Exercise 9:

leg slimming yoga

  • Extend your left leg and shake it up and down for a short distance of 10 times

Exercise 10:

leg slimming yoga

  • Based on the previous action, place your elbows on the ground and cross your hands with ten fingers
  • Lift the left knee cap off the ground and open it 90 degrees to the left
  • Bring your feet back to center during breathing, and lift them back when inhaling
  • Always maintain knee bending
  • Repeat 10 times

Exercise 11:

leg slimming yoga

  • Based on the ‘four-legged bench style’, turn your body to the right
  • Kneel on the right knee and open the right calf outward
  • Straighten the left leg, straighten the instep, and extend the left hand upwards
  • Lift the left leg when inhaling and land it on the ground when exhaling
  • Repeat 10 times

Exercise 12:

leg slimming yoga

  • Based on the above action, try to make the left foot perpendicular to the lower leg as much as possible
  • Shake the left leg up and down 10 times

Exercise 13:

leg slimming yoga

  • Land on the right elbow and hip, straighten the right leg and bend the left leg
  • Step on the front of the right hip with your left foot, and grab the outer side of your left ankle with your left hand
  • When inhaling, lift the right leg and activate the thigh’s internal force measurement
  • When exhaling, let it down
  • Repeat 10 times

Exercise 14:

leg slimming yoga

  • Based on the above posture, lift the left leg and sway it up and down without landing on the ground
  • Repeat 10 times

Exercise 15:

leg slimming yoga

  • Prone position, hands on the ground, slowly extending arms
  • Stretching the abdomen

Exercise 16:

leg slimming yoga

  • Back to ‘Baby Style’“
  • Relax, take 5 breaths

Switch sides and repeat the above actions

During these leg slimming yoga exercises, the muscles in the legs are exercised, which can burn leg fat, make the leg muscles tighter, and thus make the legs more slender.

Attention: All movements should be done within one’s own abilities. In fact, leg slimming yoga exercises may seem soft and can be dangerous. Therefore, if one is unable to complete a certain movement, do not persist too much. Safety is the most important thing. Of course, you can also choose to consult a yoga teacher. In addition, it is best to wear professional yoga pants when doing yoga, as this can improve efficiency.


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