sports in the fall

The correct way to open sports in the fall

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Sports in the fall

Autumn is a golden season for exercising, and it is most suitable for moderate to low-intensity aerobic exercise, which is beneficial for enhancing the body’s immunity and enhancing its ability to resist external cold stimuli. However, due to the significant climate change in autumn, we need to master the correct exercise methods to adapt to the season. Let’s take a look at these few tips on sports in the fall.

Suitable Sports in the Fall

Due to the gradual cooling of autumn weather, the flexibility and muscle extension of the human body decrease, which can easily cause damage during exercise. Therefore, people should not engage in high-speed and high-intensity explosive anaerobic exercises such as sprinting and weightlifting during autumn sports. Instead, they should choose aerobic exercises with smaller movements and greater heat consumption, such as mountaineering, jogging, cycling, Tai Chi, and fitness dance.

When choosing specific sports in the fall, people should also choose sports and sportswear that are suitable for them based on their gender, fitness habits, age group, etc. For example, young people can choose ball games, middle-aged people can choose hiking, cycling, and jogging, and elderly people can choose slow-paced sports such as walking and Tai Chi.

sports in the fall

Suitable Place for Autumn Sports

In autumn, the climate gradually turns dry, the sunlight decreases, and the temperature gradually drops. At this time, in addition to exercising in the gym, we should do more outdoor activities to broaden our minds and feel more relaxed.

When exercising outdoors, one should try to avoid areas with air pollution, such as chimneys, restaurants, traffic arteries, and intersections. Exercising in these areas is not only beneficial but also harmful to one’s health. We should not exercise near the roadside just to save time. Due to the dry climate in autumn, ash and soil are prone to fly, causing air pollution. Exercise on the roadside increases lung capacity, inhaling more dust and harmful gases emitted by cars, invisibly increasing damage to the body. We can choose to exercise in quiet and clean places such as suburbs, parks, and forests.

sports in the fall

Suitable Time for Autumn Sports

  • Before breakfast: In autumn sports, the best time is before morning. In the early morning, the air is fresh and the weather is cool, which is very beneficial for physical activity. At this moment, the sun has just risen, and the light is soft, and warm but not overheated, making people feel comfortable. At the same time, people’s metabolism is also at its peak, making it easier for the body to adapt to exercise. In addition, the morning can provide a peaceful and peaceful environment, avoiding the interference caused by heavy traffic and a noisy big city environment during the day, allowing you to focus more on sports. Whether it’s jogging, cycling, or outdoor yoga, the best time is before the morning, which can help you start the day with energy and improve your physical and mental state. However, it should also be remembered that the temperature is lower in the morning, so preventive clothing should be suitable, especially in cold areas. In addition, it is necessary to warm up appropriately before morning exercise to reduce the risk of injury. In summary, autumn morning is the best time to engage in physical exercise, enjoying physical and mental health while better experiencing the beauty of nature.
  • Afternoon: In autumn, afternoon is the best time to engage in outdoor activities. Due to the scorching summer heat having passed, the temperature is moderate, and the afternoon sunshine is warm and comfortable, which makes people more comfortable when engaging in physical exercise. At this time, the meteorological conditions are usually relatively stable and the wind force is relatively small, which is conducive to various outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling, and ball games. At the same time, the afternoon time is also long enough to have enough time for exercise, whether it is in a park, by the river, or in a sports stadium, suitable places can be found to carry out activities. So, for people who enjoy outdoor activities, activities in autumn afternoons are a good choice. Whether it’s exercising or enjoying the beauty of nature, afternoons are a very suitable time period.
  • Before bedtime: Autumn is an ideal season for outdoor activities such as running, cycling, and hiking. It is recommended to make full use of the cool temperature in the evening. For example, enjoying a run under the starry sky at night, or riding to welcome the sunrise at dawn. Regardless of the type of exercise chosen, it is important to pay attention to physical condition and safety, while not neglecting the importance of rest and recovery. Remember, the exercise time in autumn should be arranged reasonably based on personal and weather conditions to ensure that you can fully enjoy the fun of exercise.

sports in the fall

Five Precautions for Autumn Sports:

  • 1. Pay attention to clothing to prevent and treat colds

Autumn and summer are different. The temperature in the morning has already started to be slightly lower, and when exercising, one usually sweats more. If one is not careful, there is a risk of catching a cold. So, it’s important not to wear a single coat and go outdoors while sleeping together, but to give the body time to adapt. Especially for the elderly, do not wake up immediately after waking up in the morning, because the intervertebral disc of the elderly is loose and suddenly changes from a lying position to an upright position, which may cause sprains in the lower back. Elderly people with hypertension or cardiovascular disease should be more careful when getting up. They can stretch their waist, stretch their joints, and rest for a while before getting out of bed.

  • 2. Timely replenish water to prevent dryness

Entering autumn from the humid and hot summer, the climate suddenly becomes dry, and the temperature also decreases significantly. The human body is prone to accumulating some dry heat, and the humidity in the autumn air decreases, which can easily cause symptoms such as dry throat, lack of saliva in the mouth and tongue, dry lips, nose bleeding, and dry stool. In addition, the loss of water during exercise will aggravate the reaction of the human body to lack of water. Therefore, after autumn sports, we must drink more boiled water, eat more soft foods such as pears, apples, milk, sesame, and fresh vegetables, or drink more iced sugar pear water, Winter melon soup, and other foods at ordinary times to maintain the normal secretion of the upper respiratory tract mucosa and prevent sore throat.

sports in the fall

  • 3. Be prepared to prevent strain

For any type of autumn sports, preparation activities are necessary because human muscles and ligaments reflexively cause vasoconstriction and increased viscosity in autumn when the temperature is low. The range of joint activity decreases, the extension of ligaments decreases, and the ability of the nervous system to command muscles also decreases without preparation activities. If not fully prepared for activities before exercise, it can cause joint ligament strain Muscle strain and other injuries seriously affect daily life, and exercise has become a form of injury.

sports in the fall

  • 4. Step by step and avoid being too aggressive

Some people think that exercising a lot is necessary for the body to practice well and have strong resistance, but in fact, it’s not the case. Exercise, like eating and sleeping, is all about moderation. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, autumn is another stage where the essence and energy of the human body are in a state of convergence and internal nourishment. Therefore, exercise should also follow this principle, and the amount of exercise should be gradually increased from small to large. When exercising, one feels a bit hot and sweats slightly. After exercising, one feels relaxed and comfortable, which is the standard for good results. On the contrary, if you are very tired after exercise, and still feel unwell, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, or reduced appetite after rest, then your exercise volume may be too high. Be sure to reduce your exercise volume the next time you exercise.

  • 5. Ensure sufficient sleep

Only by immersing oneself in fitness activities with full emotions can one achieve the results of physical exercise and the joy of spiritual pleasure. Ensuring sufficient sleep not only restores physical strength and ensures health, but also is an important means of improving the body’s immune system. So, in autumn, it is necessary to follow the operating rules of the human body’s biological clock and develop good sleep habits. At this time, combined with orderly and scientific exercise, the body can get better and better.

sports in the fall


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